Starting up and winding down: T-minus 6 days

Leaving my home in Taipei for three months is a long time.  In an effort to share my experience with my friends, I'll keep a blog updated with my travels and findings.....

I've always been terrified by the idea of sharing my writing.  I'm too much of a perfectionist to accept my writing and too lazy to do anything to improve it, but I'll do anything these days that scares me so here goes:

Today, I had my last class with my favorite group of kids.  These eight ten-year-olds have made my school year full of laughter, love, and learning.  I'll truly miss them.

We started off class with some Shel Silverstein poetry, then we wrote some karma stories, before reading an fantasy about the Gruff family and George the dinosaur.  The highlight of class, however, was being bent over and in tears at the fantastic image of two chipmunks stuck in a toilet bowl trying to think of how they can use the concept of karma to get themselves out.  We made such a ruckus laughing hysterically, that students and teachers from neighboring classrooms peeked in to see what we were up to.  O-- and we ate a whole bag of Jelly Bellys I found in the Shida Night Market this afternoon.  I love learning to be a kid again!!

I'll share Justin's chimpmunk/karma story tomorrow.  In the meantime, enjoy a picture of the nutty class practicing yoga (Justin is the goof-ball  on the right wearing the ridiculous face):


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